
                              The quality of being kind, tender or mild mannered

Gentleness, showing care and respect for others in the way that you act and speak.

                                                    What is the Spirit of Gentleness?

Gentleness comes from a state of humility.  Therefore, someone who lacks Gentleness is often prideful and easily angered, or feels the need for revenge. In order to be gentle we must not view ourselves as better than someone else.

The fruit of the Spirit is essentially  the character of Jesus, the quality of Gentleness is the opposite of harshness with others. It is the power over one's  Spirit that exudes a meek and mild person like Jesus.

The Lord's  my Shepherd    Psalm 23

God guides me with His gentle love, Psalm 23 might be the most famous Psalm in the Bible! It also gives us a beautiful picture of how God is so gentle with us. " He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul"

A Gentle Answer  Proverbs 15:1

Gentle words bring peace, " A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger" It spells out exactly how we should speak to others, and if we look back to the story about Jesus in John 8 We can easily see how he used a soft answer when the Pharisees chose a harsh word.

A tree gives us fruit (gentle) words give us life Proverbs 15: 4a

Gentleness is a strong hand with a soft touch. It is a tender, compassionate approach toward others weaknesses and limitations. Think about what your attitude looks like,

For example: When you see someone doing something wrong, what is your first reaction? Do you want to come at them harshly or perhaps with gentleness. Being gentle doesn't mean we should not be strong in our beliefs, but it does imply that we should be wise and loving in expressing those beliefs to others. God shows tough love and teaches hard lessons to humans all the while being the very definition of GENTLENESS.

                                                              NOW IT'S YOUR TURN!

Jesus is just a whisper away!

Shalom to your home,

Till next time,



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