I have learned that pain has purpose, which at the peak of excruciating discomfort, brings me little consolation.  Hindsight, though, has often proven pain's value. In fact, I have found pain to be one of life'so most effective teachers. It gains one's  full attention. It takes lessons down to the bottom line. ( Patsy Clairmont )

Our hearts respond to God's  love and mercy in individual  ways. God's  love may be changeless. , but our love for Him changes and deepens as we grow. Read Luke 7: 40-47.

Take the time to consider just how long you have been loved. God knew you when you were small. He knew you before you were born. He knew  you before He'd  even created the first man and woman. He knew you before time had begun. And all that time He Loved You! Thank God for His love, that your life might reflect that love.

DOUGHNUT: doughnuts are delicious, hot fresh right from the source. God is love, the source of love. Our love has limits, but, God's  love is perfect, timeless, unparalleled. 

A KEY : Because of His great love for us, God sent Jesus to set us free. He rescued us from the slavery of sin, opened our hearts to a whole new world.

MIRROR: The love in our hearts is a reflection of the love God has for us. Our heart responds to the heart of God.

A CURLER: More than our hair needs setting. Our affections must be set on things above. Our hearts must be set to understand the word. We need to set our hearts to seek the Lord.

BOUQUET: We are God's chosen ones. His beloved, His waiting bride, We have God's  love. Bask in it. Trust in it. Depend on it. Receive it!

God's  love is unconditional, it never fails, and it never gives up.

Jesus thank you for your everlasting love, may we all find peace it.

Blessings to you and yours,

Jesus is just a whisper away !

Shalom to your home,

Till next time,




JAB said…
I will enjoy eating doughnuts, using my keys, the mirror ect, a great and easy way to remind myself of Gods love for me each new day of life
thank you! I am reminded Isaiah 43:1 along with your meaningful and very clever blog! JAB

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