Fruits of the Spirit

Love                             Goodness

Joy                                 Faithfulness

Peace                           Gentleness

Patience                      Self Control


Gal. 5: 22-23  Tells Us........

The Spirit produces love.

Agape  is a perfect love from God. When God's  Spirit is at work in a person, amazing things happen. The person's  whole life blossoms and bears beautiful fruit, and the most wonderful fruit of all is the giving and receiving of true love.

John 13:34,  A new command I give you; Love one another . So what's new about it? As I have loved you, so you must love one another. Jesus' teaching about love set the highest standards ever (Luke 6:26-38) He backed them up with His perfect example, showing a love greater then the world has ever seen!

1ST...Consider how Christ was willing...for the sake of sacrifice His heavenly glory and power to be incarnated to a mere human being. (Phil. 2: 5-11).

2ND... He continually "went about doing good" For everyone as a humble servant,  teaching, encouraging, healing the sick, comforting the oppressed (ACTS 10:38, Mt. 8:1-17).

He did not come to be served, but to serve. (MT.20:28).

Jesus said " Greater love has no one than this to  lay down one's life for his friends. (Jn. 15:13) Jesus laid down His time and energy continually and then laid down His very life for His beloved. He was willing to go through the most terrible suffering and then death..for each and everyone of us.

                              1 CORINTHIANS 13...THE LOVE CHAPTER

It gives us a beautiful  description  of what godly love is like.

For those of us who have received God's  Spirit, God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, (Rom. 5:5). We begin with a little love but God helps us to keep growing until we have a lot of love. By His Spirit, God offers us a continual supply of His limitless love. He continually fills our well so that we have plenty to give to other thirsty people. God's  love will keep flowing into us, as long as it keeps flowing out from us. The more you give away the more you will have. And the more you love others the more you will be loved!

AGAPE....THE LOVE between God and man and visa versa..

EROS....Intimate love between two people

PHILIA...Affectionate love between friends, family, and community

STORGE....The love of a child by a parent.

When God speaks of love in the Bible, He is referring to agape love.

                                      WHAT IS LOVE AGAIN...........

IT ALWAYS PROTECTS... to keep safe from harm or injury. 

ALWAYS TRUSTS....... Reliance on the integrity,  strength, and ability of a person.

ALWAYS HOPES....The feeling of that what is wanted can be had, or things will turn out for the best.

ALWAYS PERSEVERE. .....To persist even when things are difficult.....

                                                           LOVE NEVER FAILS!!!!!

Hope you were blessed.

Many blessings to you and yours,

Remember Jesus is just a whisper away!

Shalom to your home,

Till next time, love one another




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