Judgement, how quick do you judge?

 We constantantly  form an opinion of others,, how they look are they pretty, handsome, skinny, fat, pimple face, what the heck is she/he wearing don't they own a mirror. I know I can be pretty brutal, for which I must repent and ask forgiveness on a constant basis.

I'll  give you an example: after doing yard work for hours I asked my husband if we could swing through Burger king, sure but we are going in I like to see who is making my burger. Well we stood at the counter for a bit, the girl behind the counter looked at us and ignored us, then finally after about 5 minutes she finally asked what we wanted, so my husband told her, didn't ask if we wanted cheese on it or a drink, but ok.. so as we wait some more a young man asked if we we were helped, yes thank you. Then order is ready and she kinda blops it down, by then my anger was rising, so I just grab and go.... My husband looks at me and says you know babe your attitude wasn't any better then hers. Boy was he right, it wasn't I should have said thank you have a nice evening..

That's just a point of how  quickly I  judge. Maybe something happened before we got there, that upset her and that's  what was coming out. I shouldn't have responded in like, that isn't showing her the love of the Father or His light in me. 

Wow what a lesson learned.

Mat. 7:1 DON'T JUDGE OTHERS, or you will (so that you will not) be judged in the same way you judge others...

Mark 4:24-25

Luke 6:37-42

1Cor. 11:31-32.. If we judged ourselves in the right way, God would not judge us. When the Lord judges us he disciplines  us so that we will not be destroyed along with the world.

1 John 1:7-9 God forgives our sins.

So in closing; Watch yourself on a daily basis, see how many times you judge. You maybe shocked. So let's all strive to be the light in this dark world, it doesn't need any more negativity.

Father I come to you now  and ask for forgiveness of all my sins, cleanse me from all unrighteousness and make me brand new. Fill me with your love, joy and fill me with your Holy Spirit and I will live for you and serve you all the days of my life, in Jesus name I pray...Amen

Remember Jesus is just a whisper away...

Blessings to you and yours, 

Shalom to your home,



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