Forgiveness,  One of the most widely misunderstood doctrines of Scripture. It is not to be confused with humans forgiveness that merely remits a penalty or charge. Divine forgiveness is one of the most complicated and costly undertakings, demanding complete satisfaction to meet the demands of God's  outraged holiness.

I have a situaton in my life where I am having a hard time forgiving someone, my flesh tells me oh if you forgive him, it will be like you are letting him get away with all the nasty, uncaring, things he has done. But it was brought to my attention that that person didn't do all that stuff to my family he did it to God, and if God can forgive him, who am I not too. You see he doesn't care or even know how it effects me, he is going on about life with out a worry in the world. So right now I am forgiving him, and myself for holding on to this for so long. Because I need forgiveness  too.

Psalm 51 is all about forgiveness.  My favorite verse is 10-13

10:   Create in me a pure (clean) heart, God, and make my spirit right again ( renew a right/steadfast spirit in me)

11: Do not send me away from you or take your  Holy Spirit  away from me.

12: Give me back  (restore to me) the joy of your salvation (rescue). Keep me strong by giving (Sustain in) me a willing spirit. 

13: Then I will teach your ways to those who do wrong ongoing  (transgressions ), and sinners will turn back to you.

Eph. 4:32 Be kind and loving (compassionate, tender hearted ) to each other, and forgive each other just as God forgave you in Christ.

In 1 John 1: 5-10, we receive  God's forgiveness  for our sins.

Thank you Lord for the forgiveness  of my sins, thank you that your Grace and Mercy is new every morning.

Lord I forgive everyone of everything, and I forgive myself.

I pray abundant blessings over you and yours today.

Remember  Jesus is just a whisper away.

And Jesus loves!

Shalom to your home

Till next time,



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