Welcome  back 

I want to start today by apologizing for putting christians in the same think tank as me.

"Be angry and do not sin" do not let the sun go done on your wrath, nor give place to the devil. Ephesians 4:31

Do any of you have issues with anger ? I DO, But I go to God in prayer with repentance  in my heart, ask for forgiveness, and strive to do better. My husband and I sometimes can't get over ourselves and go to bed with out resolving our issues. Then complain the next morning how lousy we slept. Our heavenly Father says in plain words don't go to bed angry! 

Proverbs 15:1 A soft answer turns away wrath, so speak to each other in love and kindness. It is amazing how simple a small gesture of kindness can change the course of someone's  day. Just like a smile or a good morning.

In a world where there is so much hate, and discord, let's try spreading kindness.

Remember the best vitamin for friendship is B1

God is so simple in His love for us.He just wants us to trust Him. He asks us to tell him what we need. He says we have not because we ask not.

Remember Jesus is just a whisper away.

I pray blessings over you,

Shalom to your home,

Till next time,



JAB said…
It’s not always what we say, but how we say it ! Good thoughts to share and to ponder❤️

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